Commercials That We Will Never See Here…

Ricky Martin Comes Out of the Closet

He finally came out.

In other shocking news; it is being reported that the sky is blue and the grass is green… 😉

Good Luck, Sister!

If Hubby is wearing a bathing suit with those kind of side panels,  NOTHING is going to get him back from the poolboy!

Tired Old Queen at the Movies Double Feature (#23 and #24)!

I’m playing catch-up here kids, but, it’s worth it!

My personal favorite: “Auntie Mame” and another classic: “Portrait of Jennie”!! Enjoy!!

Doctor Who Returns!!!

The new Doctor Who series starts broadcasting here in the U.S. on Saturday, April 17th at 9PM (EST) on BBC America!!! Woo-Hoo!!!

Under the Weather

It would appear that I am fighting a cold again.

So blogging will be at a minimum for a least the next few days.

Talk to you all soon!

Two of Hearts

Oh Stacey Q! Whatever happened to her?

Why Yes We Do!

Doctor Who New Series Preview

Just as long as “Geronimo!” is not going to be his new catchphrase, I’m on board with this!

Rant of the Day

Can someone explain something to me?

When did the words “sick”, “dope” and “ridiculous” suddenly become terms for something outstandingly good?

They were perfectly useful in their original contexts. Why the need to change them?

After all, there is a perfect word already for something outstandingly good.

It’s “FABULOUS”!!!!

Am I wrong?! Am I wrong in this?!!

I think not.

End of rant!

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